In recognition of the critical challenges to collecting, storing, assuring and distributing true ESG data internationally, Team Zabel presents an AI Based Automated PDF to XBRL Solution and A Secure ESG Reporting Network.

Our submission demonstrates:

  • A software application that scans printed reports, extracts ESG data and translates that data into xbrl language, allowing the information to be used in financial analysis, and
  • A Secure ESG Reporting Network based on Digital Ledger Technology (Blockchain) that allocates non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for uploading and securing reports, requesting and permitting access to data, and providing data dashboards to aid the integration of ESG data into financial considerations.

Designed as open source, the software accommodates extensible hybrid taxonomies both for financial reporting and ESG data.

Our Proof of Concept includes scanned information and data from three German industries and focuses initially on Scopes 1, 2 and 3 GHG Emissions. A short-hand method is also presented

The prototype ESG Secure Reporting Network, develop specifically for this competition, is functional and open for reviewers to experience the ease and efficiency of the integrated platform. Extensive additional material is provided to aid a critical analysis of our proposal and guide referees’ involvement.

Submission Paper - Team Zabel G20 TechSprint 2021:

The Business Model

Presentation Video for the AI Based Automated PDF to XBRL Solution
Watch here
Presentation Slides for the AI Based Automated PDF to XBRL Solution (PART 1)
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Presentation Slides for the AI Based Automated PDF to XBRL Solution (PART 2)
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Run The Software

Demonstration of Reporting Organisation Account Creation and Report Transformation:
Watch here
Please Test Drive The Secure ESG Reporting Network Software: User Guide for Reporting Organisation Account Creation and PDF Report Upload:
Visit here
Download the User Guide to Create an Account upload Sample PDF Reports:
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DOMO AG Report PDFs 2017-2021 (ZIP File of PDFs):
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The Technology

Technical Whitepaper & Architectural Overview of The Secure ESG Reporting Network:
Visit here
Demonstration of The Secure ESG Reporting Network running on Hedera Hashgraph DLT and IBM Cloud Services:
Watch here
*Source Code: GitHub account URL:
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