Hedera cloud hosting services (Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Nodes)

Currently Hedera Hashgraph Nodes are owned by Hedera Governing Council Members. These are Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Nodes that generate income proportional to the transaction traffic they orchestrate.

Once a critical mass is achieved through the election of Hedera Governing Council Members, Node development will be opened to organisations with the experience and skills to manage them

The Guard Global Centre of Excellence … Powered by Hedera Hashgraph will be one of the leaders in this new market. For our clients who expect to host high transaction rates we will offer a Cloud-based PoS Node Service. PoS nodes with substantial deposits and transactions can earn a steady income which can offset production costs:

  • Step 1: Set up as a Proxy Staking server by tethering to one of the existing Governing Council Member Nodes
  • Step 2: Migrate to full PoS Node Servers.
  • Step 3: Set up sector specific incentive schemes to attract transaction volumes

The Guard Global Centre of Excellence plans to build Nodes serving global Energy Tokens. This will become a superhighway hub for all certified renewable energy tokens during their entire lifecycles from production, transmission, storage and consumption.