
  • Understanding and applying Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) correctly into your organisation and along your supply chain is not a simple undertaking. Doing it alone or just contracting out the work can be equally risky. That’s why we have adopted a holistic approach to training and knowledge transfer:
  • To start with we will give you a clear understanding of the evolution of the DLT space and how new generation platforms like Hedera Hashgraph will inform and inteligently support your business decision making and operations into the future.
  • As well as giving you hands-on training for the suite of tools and utilities of the Hedera SDK (Software Development Kit) we will dovetail this with how your organisation’s specific use case prototype was developed and how it all integrates on the distributed network
  • As the Hedera Hashgraph evolves and your platform grows we will continue the training and knowledge transfer process.
  • Our training Program:
    • Hedera Developers Training:
    • Training facilities and equipment based in Chennai, India or local on-site classrooms sessions arranged:
      • Conceptions of Business Frameworks using DLT
      • Development insights and Best Practices
      • Building dApps using the Hedera SDK (Software Development Kit):
      • Hedera Consensus Services (HCS AppNet)
      • Hedera Mirror Nodes (MirrorNet)
      • Cryptocurrency Services
      • Hedera Files Services and portable Smart Contracts (Solidity)
  • Online training courses (coming soon)
  • Course testing and certification with DLT Certificates (coming soon)